Seascooter Service Center

5033 Fairfax Drive, Lakeland , FL33813      Tel: 863-248-1110 or 888-506-3281          Email:


From The Sidney Harbor...


Using a hi-tech underwater scooter, Mr Vevers is documenting the mysteries of Sydney Harbour and our beaches to create virtual snorkeling tours. A team of six divers from Underwater Earth are currently roaming the depths of Sydney to create the video tours -- which will be posted online in coming months. The clips will highlight the importance of conserving our marine environment. The project is being funded by the Sydney Coastal Councils Group and is the first in what will become a nationwide project. "We're videoing with a special tool we've developed with underwater scooters to give a fish-eye view of that location," 
Mr Vevers said. "It's to teach people who live in these coastal councils about what lives at their doorstep. Sydney has one of the most impressive marine ecosystems in the world. "The Harbor has got more species of fish than all of the Mediterranean. It has weedy sea-dragons, sharks, giant cuttlefish and angler-fish -- it's unbelievable." Mr Vevers' project has already discovered new fish in the Harbor.

seascooter service center for seadoo and yamaha
seascooter service center for seadoo and yamaha